Introducing Mobile Rooms Reorder with ALICE Housekeeping
Hotel housekeepers are expert jugglers. The housekeeping team is responsible for managing and completing room cleaning tasks which change not just daily and hourly – but even by the minute. To uphold the hotel’s service standards, rooms must be cleaned and ready as new guests arrive at the hotel and current guests return after an outing. So how can hotel staff guarantee exceptional service in the face of constant change?
Housekeeping managers want to change room assignments in real-time as new information is received from the front desk or through the reservation system. To accomplish this, the team needs both:
- Hotel operations technology to support staff when they are walking the floors – like ALICE Housekeeping
- Rooms reorder functionality available on mobile to reprioritize and assign rooms to staff that is accessible while on the floors not just on a desktop
ALICE’s new Mobile Rooms Reorder functionality enables housekeeping managers to easily assign rooms while away from their desks using a mobile device. Here are just three scenarios where Mobile Rooms Reorder saves the day:
1. Same Day Reservation
At the start of a housekeeping shift, the manager assigns staff a list of rooms for cleaning in a prioritized order. Rooms that need turnover service for new guests arriving are likely given priority. But what about a new guest that books in the morning to arrive the same day? And the housekeeping shift has already started?
Mobile Rooms Reorder with ALICE Housekeeping allows immediate notification of brand new reservations to managers and other team members who can add the room assignment and move it up in the priority list to ensure guest satisfaction.
2. Early Arrival Request
Travel plans and timing are often in flux, which means hotel guests may unexpectedly arrive early for a new reservation. Whether the guest calls ahead or simply shows up early, the housekeeping team is responsible for cleaning the room promptly to avoid a delay and limiting the guest’s wait time.
Guest check-in time may be at 3 pm, but now the Presidential Suite needs to be fully serviced by noon for a VIP guest. ALICE Housekeeping empowers the housekeeping manager to reorder assignments to ensure the highest priorit rooms are given to the next available staff member using their mobile device – even while walking the property floors.
3. Extra Deep Clean Required
No two rooms are the same when it comes to room cleaning time. Some rooms may be left practically spotless by guests while others are trashed. What happens when a housekeeping room attendant comes upon a super dirty room? The turnover cleaning is going to take much longer than average.
Without hotel technology, the delayed room cleaning can throw the entire staff schedule out of whack. While the attendant may be able to immediately radio a supervisor, the supervisor then has to get to a computer or paper log for the day, assess options to reassign the attendant’s remaining rooms, and then communicate the new assignments to the rest of the team. But then another unexpectedly dirty room might start the whole process over again.
With ALICE Housekeeping and Mobile Rooms Reorder, the manager can rearrange schedules on their smartphone or tablet immediately – and the staff gets notified in real-time.
Housekeeping managers do not have time to manually update schedules and then efficiently communicate the changes to the team. Mobile Rooms Reorder is a game-changer for lean hotel teams who strive to deliver seamless service amongst the typical chaotic scheduling and reprioritization of room cleanings.